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Continue Education Training
Preventative and Proactive Care Against
250USDDesigned to help direct care workers recognize and report abuse, neglect, fraud, and wasteVƔlido por un aƱoCovid-19
250USDThis continuing education video will equip caregivers with essential information on Covid-19.VƔlido por un aƱoDiabetes 101
250USDThis continuing education video will teach direct care workers about diabetesVƔlido por un aƱoAdult Skill Building and Learning
250USDThis continuing education video, caregivers will learn six essential skills in adult skill buildingVƔlido por un aƱoSocial Determinates of Health
250USDThis continuing education video will teach direct caregivers about the impact of social determinantsVƔlido por un aƱoCognitive Disabilities
250USDThis educational video is designed to provide caregivers with knowledge about cognitive disabilitiesVƔlido por un aƱoUnderstanding Autism
250USDThis continuing education video is designed to give you an understanding of Autism.VƔlido por un aƱoCerebral Palsy
250USDThis educational video aims to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of Cerebral Palsy.VƔlido por un aƱoCaregivers Supporting with Readmission
250USDThis continuing education video provides caregivers information about readmission and why it badVƔlido por un aƱoCaregiving 101
250USDThis video will teach DCW about their role in the overall care of the member they support.VƔlido por un aƱoCaregiving 101 - Free
0USDThis video will teach DCW about their primary role in ensuring their member overall carePlan gratisCerebral Palsy CEU 2 Day Rental
15USDVĆ”lido por 7 dĆasOur Loving Hands Continuing Education
0USDVƔlido por 12 meses
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